Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What are the Midrashim on the Five Megillot (aka The So-Called Rabbot)?

What are the Midrashim on the Five Megillot (aka The So-Called Rabbot)?

taken from

Lamentations Rabbah
As noted in Section [5]3.27, Lamentations Rabbah is exegetical
midrash on Eichah (Lamentations). It contains verse by verse
expositions, simple lexical explanations and also many parables
and stories. It contains many stories about the destruction of
the Temple, the crises under Trajan and Hadrian, and the Bar
Kokhba revolt. It draws upon the Mishna, Tosefta, Mekhilta,
Sifra and Sifre.

Midrash Shir haShirim (Song of Songs Rabbah)
An allegorical interpretation of 'Song of Songs'. Written
sometime between the 3rd and 6th century.

Midrash Ruth
Exposition of the book of Ruth, redacted around 500.

Midrash Kohelet (Ecclesiastes Rabbah)
An exposition of the book of Ecclesiastes, written in the 8th

Midrash Ester (Haggadat Megillah)
An exposition of the book of Ester, written around 500 CE.

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